Seasonal Service
Call 252-413-9992
With a Seasonal Service agreement you will receive:
Prolong Equipment Life - #1 reason for system failure is neglect and dirt properly maintained systems last longer.
Priority Service members get priority over non-members.
Discounts for non-scheduled service calls.
Seasonal Checkups include at no extra cost, coil cleaning inside and out (when done at regularly scheduled time).
Lower Energy Bills properly cleaned and checked systems saves money.
Peace of Mind your system is cleaned, checked and is working properly. If not, you will know what to do about it.
Convenient and Free Reminders by phone, text or mail--you be the judge.
$5 OFF for Vets and people over 50 on labor, parts and seasonal service visits.
Not valid for standard service calls.
Cost of service agreement: $104.00 first system
$50.00 each additional system at the same address per visit.
Seasonal service agreement consist of two visits per year.
Date Joined____________________ Next Service Date____________________ # of Systems Covered_____________
Name___________________________________ Phone___________________________________
Address_____________________________________________ City/Zip_______________________
Customer Signature_____________________________________ Date_______________________________
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